Sell on Windzard
Delivers to 10,000+ Pincode
Ship the products
Receive timely payments
Step to become a Seller
Step 1
Register yourself and List your products on
- Enroll your self into the
- Fill the Basic details
- Upload the KYC documents
- Once verification is Completed, the Vendor dashboard gets activated.
Step 2
Get the Vendor Dashboard and Upload the products on the website
- Upload the products in windzard.
- Upload the multiple images along with Correct price and specification.
- Fix the price and MRP, warranty details must be mentioned correctly.
- Once the product is successfully uploaded, it will be reviewed by our admin team.
- After reviewing the products by the admin team, it will successfully be published on the Website for the customer view.
Step 3
Pack your Order with packing Materials Provided by windzard
- Pack the products with packing material provided only by windzard
- Couriers must be Packed with proper packings such as Bubbles cover and productive films.
- After the package is over wait till the confirmation from the admin team.
Step 4
Schedule a Pickup from our Courier Agency and Product will deliver to the Customer
- Once the packing over and confirmed by the admin team.
- Pick the Courier from the listed couriers available in the vendor dashboard.
- Place address label and detail in the front of the box.
- Select flexible time for picking the courier.
- Hand over the courier to the Deliver agency and Track your order.
Step 5
Get a payment deposited directly into your Bank Account.
- Once Parcel/ Courier delivers to the Customer by our courier partner.
- Receive quick and hassle-free payments in your account once your orders are fulfilled
- The payment will be reflected in the registered bank account.
- Within 14days the payment will be deposited directly into the bank account
- More about the seller’s policy mail us at
contact us
start your journey with us & get in touch
Send us an enquiry if you have any doubts